20 Nov 24

20 Nov 24

We had squadron PT this morning. While everyone was out there running (losers), I decided to take a different route. All by myself. Alone. No one to bother me. So… who’s the real loser now? Still them. They had to run. Running is sucks.

Seriously though, if Trump made running illegal, tanked the economy, let the Russians take over, He would still manage to be my favorite president (just kidding… or am I?) . But enough of that. Here’s what I did today:

3 rounds of:

  • 20 V-ups
  • 20 Push-ups
  • 20 Air Squats
  • 20 Russian Twists

Then I capped it off with a nice, relaxing one-mile walk. Nothing too crazy today—just a solid, solo workout.

Tune in next time for more. Same bat time, same bat channel.